As the Holy Spirit Continues to Work in Our Lives We Begin to Think Less About Ourselves
What the Spirit is Doing In and Through You
A Review of Holy Spirit Here and Now
In Holy Spirit Here and Now, Trevor Hudson is your personal and pastoral guide through the mysterious work of the Spirit. This book is 165 pages of practical insight and reads quickly.
What you'll enjoy most is Hudson's winsome personal stories that fill each chapter. It's clear after reading, he's someone who lives by the Spirit, not just writes about it. His generous and loving life is apparent on every page.
Difficult topics get explained simply and simple topics get explained profoundly. Only someone who's lived life 'with-God' can unpack it so well.
Holy Spirit Here and Now teaches what the Spirit is doing in and through you. The wisdom inside its pages brought clarity and practicality to my own journey into Spiritual Formation.
Our Christlike Advocate
In the first chapter, Hudson reminds us that Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as 'Advocate.' (John 14:16) He writes, "In Greek this title [Advocate] implies that the Holy Spirit will be for us in the present what Jesus had been for the disciples during his life on earth."
The Spirit is to us what Jesus was to the disciples. Often I've been tempted to think the Epistles are for the 'church' and the Gospels are backstory.
But Hudson affirms that the Gospels are written by disciples, to disciples, and for disciples. Past and present. Our relationship with the Spirit should have the same character that Peter, James, and John shared with Jesus. We're a part of God's story.
Third Wheel of the Trinity?
Hudson also declares, "When God gives us the Holy Spirit, God gives us nothing less than God's own self." Sometimes the Holy Spirit is presented as the third-wheel of the Trinity – a second class citizen.
But he reminds us the Holy Spirit is nothing less than God himself. His very personal presence. When we're led by the Spirit, it's no less profound than being with God himself.
Spiritual Breakthroughs vs. Spiritual Formation
Supernatural experiences with the Spirit are also validated by Hudson but he recognizes their function and limitation. He shares an email received from an attendee at a worship service he led. The person had come forward for prayer at the end and was filled with a profound sense of God's love.
He writes, "Special experiences like this can lead to spiritual breakthroughs but by themselves they seldom transform our hearts or our character."
Growing up, I saw many friends make 'commitments' to Jesus on a 'high,' myself included, but true transformation of character rarely happened. This led to a deep cynicism within that I still battle today.
But Hudson is more generous. He always affirms the experience and with gentleness and respect shares a word of caution, which I found refreshing. In the end, he affirms both supernatural experiences with the Holy Spirit and recognizes the need for 'a long obedience in the same direction.'
Never Alone
Another point Hudson makes is how the Spirit works with and woos all humanity, not just a certain creed, color, or continent. He writes, "The Spirit of grace works in our lives from the moment we come into existence."
He continues, "For many years I mistakenly thought that the Holy Spirit only started working in my life after my conversion. It was a special moment when I realized that the Holy Spirit had been reaching out to me with God's love long before I made my first commitment to Christ."
Often we're tempted to think our unsaved loved ones are left alone before they trust Jesus. But truthfully, God's grace is an active presence in their lives through the Holy Spirit from day one.
That's why our response to follow Jesus is a gift. And that's why prayer is more listening than speaking. God is speaking through His Spirit. Our job is to slow down, be still, listen, and then respond.
Pressing Into Suffering
Finally, Hudson shares how the Holy Spirit pushes us out the 'Spiritual Bubble.' The place where spirituality is about me, what's God doing in me, for me, through me, etc.
He writes, "When the Spirit of Christ touches our lives, we too become more aware of the sacredness of every human being." Even if they look different, smell different or act different.
Hudson counsels us to, "Be present as simply as you can… Remember that you are there not to give advice or to solve problems – or even to help. You join the person in order to understand what it feels like to be in his or her situation."
Hudson reminds us of the necessity to be with someone in their pain and dismisses all attempts at speaking before you've spent the majority of your time listening.
Summing it up, my copy of Holy Spirit Here and Now is littered with underlines and stars. Trevor Hudson's use of story and scripture brings the Holy Spirit front and center and invites us to a life of interactive relationship with this member of the Trinity. It's as if you've pulled up a chair close as he shares from his personal experience and intimate friendship with the Spirit.
I certainly cannot do the book justice, but I hope that you'll run out and grab it for yourself. I consider it recommended reading for all those striving for the 'with-God' life.
You can find out more about this book HERE.
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